(Print this page, fill it in, and mail to the address below.)

Membership Application for the
Cracker Jack® Collectors Association


Please make checks payable to:
Cracker Jack Collectors Association
(check those that apply below)

Individual membership: (USA) $20.00 _______

Individual membership: (Canada) $25.00 ______

Family membership: (USA) $24.00 _______

Foreign: Add $7.00 postage ______


Mail to:

CONTACT: Linda Farris
Membership Chairperson
4908 N. Holborn Dr
Muncie IN 47304

Name(s): ___________________________

Address: ____________________________

City:_____________________State: ______ ZIP: ________ - ______

Optional information you may want to include:

Phone: (_____) ____________________

E-mail: __________________________

Year you started collecting Cracker Jack:______.

Birthday (month/day):____/_____ Year you were born:_____ (Will not be published).

Favorites: ___________________________________________________

Other collectibles: _____________________________________________

I learned about the Cracker Jack ® Collectors Association from:


Yes, now that I am a member I would be interested in participating in the following areas of the CJCA:

            (circle:) newsletter | web site | membership | convention | graphic design | publicity | other

Thank you for your inquiry and HAPPY COLLECTING!    [ CJCA - Cracker Jack Collectors Association ]