Old cracker Jack Presidental Mystery Coins

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Old cracker Jack Presidental Mystery Coins

Post by beautygirl13 »

I am just writing because I was digging in my garden and found this coin like thing, so I took it in the house cleaned it as best as possible (not in great condition since I found it is my garden) and looked it up and found this website. So can anyone tell me what this is? And is it worth anything?

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Re: Old cracker Jack Presidental Mystery Coins

Post by larrydw »

Try digging in the garden for more. The coin, in good condition, is worth about $2-5. The mystery club coins were part of a promotion (complete with a question mark box) that lasted several years. There are 3 varities with SAVE THIS COIN the most common, then SAVE THIS MEDAL, and lastly CANCELLED. Only 10 varities of the cancelled coin were produced. Coins exist for presidents from Washington to FDR.
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Re: Old cracker Jack Presidental Mystery Coins

Post by CJAAAJ »

Hello, Beautygirl13 :hiya:

Welcome to the CJCA forum. :)
What a fun item to fine while working in your garden! :o

Larry has given you some of the background on this most interesting set of Cracker Jack prizes from the Mystery Club era 1933. If you scroll down to the bottom of this page you will see at the right hand corner: Go to page 1,2 next. Placing your cursor on the word "next" and clicking on it one will go to the previous page 1. There are two questions with answers on your subject.
Better yet, let's see if this works. Click on a link below one at a time and it should take you to the same places.
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Re: Old cracker Jack Presidental Mystery Coins

Post by Luke »

I hate weeding the garden, but now I'm motivated. Where's my spade and bucket???

:grats: Congratulations on your find! :grats:
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